


A high-level API class that displays a scrolling text message on a Screen. The ticker is typically displayed at the top of the screen adjacent to the screen title, if there is one. The ticker is associated with a Screen by calling its setTicker(). The same ticker instance may be associated with more than one screen so that the same information can remain displayed as the user navigates through the application.

The text to be displayed by the ticker is set using the setString method. The rate at which the text is scrolled and the scrolling direction are platform-dependent and cannot be controlled by the application. It is not possible to halt the scrolling effect, but the ticker can be removed from a screen by calling its setTicker() method with argument null.

public class Ticker {  
// Public Constructors
   public Ticker( String str);    
// Public Instance Methods
   public String getString();  
   public void setString( String str);  

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