
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


# character, prefixing channel names, Channels
%, beginning half-opped user nicknames, Nick Seeking
&, beginning channel names, Channels
* asterisk method for delimiting corrections, Correction Syntax
+, beginning voiced user nicknames, Customize messages/colors and set sounds, Nick Seeking
: (colon), beginning IRC message, Message
< > (redirection) operator, The Code
<< ONLINE >> text behind your nickname, Registering Yourself with NickServ
@, beginning channel operator nicknames, Customize messages/colors and set sounds, Channel Operators, Nick Seeking
\r characters, removing from end of lines, The Code
| character, specifying alternative infobot replies, Using the Infobot


+a (auto-op) flag, Eggdrop bot, Adding Users
access levels for users, Access Lists
access lists, Access Lists
adding users to, Adding Users to the Access List
accounts, creating with Q (QuakeNet L channel bot), Create an Account
acronyms and initialisms, listing of, Common Acronyms and InitialismsCommon Acronyms and Initialisms
ACTION command (CTCP), PRIVMSG, Tagged Data
administrator, getting for PPF, ServerAdminShouter
Advanced List Service (ALIS), Hacking the Hack
Advogato project, ...

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