
menu — HTML 4.01 | HTML5


<menu> . . . </menu>

In HTML 4.01, the deprecated menu element indicates a menu list, which consists of one or more list items (li). Menus were intended for a list of short choices, such as a menu of links to other documents.

In HTML5, menu represents a list of interactive options or commands such as a menu of options in a web application.

Start/End Tags



Core, Internationalization, Events, HTML5 Global Attributes

compact (compact="compact" in XHTML)

Deprecated. Not in HTML5. Makes the list as small as possible. Few browsers support the compact attribute.


HTML5 only. Specifies a label for the menu, which can be displayed in nested menus.


HTML5 only. Identifies the menu state. context indicates a context menu that can be accessed only when it is activated. toolbar indicates the menu is to be used as a toolbar that can be interacted with immediately. If the type attribute is omitted, the default is merely a list of commands.

Example (HTML 4.01)


Example (HTML5)

   <command onclick="cut()" label="Cut">
   <command onclick="copy()" label="Copy">
   <command onclick="paste()" label="Paste">
   <command onclick="delete()" label="Clear">

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