Elements Organized by Function

This section organizes the elements in HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0 and HTML5 into groups related to concept or function. Elements that appear in the HTML 4.01 specification only are indicated with (4.01). Elements that appear in HTML5 only are indicated with (5).

Structural elements

body, head, html, meta, title

Semantic text elements

abbr, acronym (4.01), address, article (5), aside (5), blockquote, cite, code, del, dfn, div, em, figure (5), footer (5), h1h6, header (5), hgroup (5), ins, kbd, mark (5), nav (5), p, pre, q, samp, section (5), small (5), span, strong, sub, sup, var

Presentational text elements

b, basefont (4.01), big (4.01), font (4.01), i, s (4.01), small (4.01), strike (4.01), tt (4.01), u (4.01)

Other text formatting elements

bdo, br, center (4.01), hr


dd, dir (4.01), dl, dt, li, menu, ol, ul


caption, col, colgroup, table, tbody, td, tfoot, th, thead, tr


a, base, link

Embedded content

applet (4.01), area, audio (5), embed (5), iframe, img, map, object, param, source (5), video (5)


frame (4.01), frameset (4.01), noframe (4.01)


button, datalist (5), fieldset, form, input, isindex (4.01), keygen (5), label, legend, optgroup, option, output (5), select, textarea




script, noscript

Time and measurement

meter (5), progress (5), time (5)

Ruby annotation

rp (5), rt (5), ruby (5)


canvas (5), details (5), command (5)

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