
del — <del> . . . </del>

Indicates deleted text. It may be useful for legal documents and any instance where edits need to be tracked. Its counterpart is the inserted text element (ins ). Both can be used to indicate either inline or block-level elements.


Core, Internationalization, Events


Can be set to point to a source document that explains why the document was changed.


Specifies the date and time the change was made. Dates and times follow the format listed above where YYYY is the four-digit year, MM is the two-digit month, DD is the day, hh is the hour (00 through 23), mm is the minute (00 through 59), and ss is the second (00 through 59). The TZD stands for Time Zone Designator, and its value can be Z (to indicate UTC, Coordinated Universal Time), an indication of the number of hours and minutes ahead of UTC (such as +03:00), or an indication of the number of hours and minutes behind UTC (such as −02:20).

This is the standard format for date and time values in HTML. For more information, see


Chief Executive Officer: <del title="retired"> Peter Pan
 </del> <ins>Pippi Longstocking</ins>

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