Avoiding Duplicate Scripts

One way to avoid accidentally including the same script twice is to implement a script management module in your templating system. The typical way to include a script is to use the SCRIPT tag in your HTML page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="menu_1.0.17.js"></script>

An alternative in PHP would be to create a function called insertScript:

<?php insertScript("menu.js") ?>

While we're tackling the duplicate script issue, we'll add functionality to handle dependencies and versioning of scripts. A simple implementation of insertScript follows:

function insertScript($jsfile) {
    if ( alreadyInserted($jsfile) ) {

    if ( hasDependencies($jsfile) ) {
        $dependencies = getDependencies($jsfile);
        Foreach ($dependencies as $script) {
    echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . getVersion($jsfile) . '"></script>";

The first time a script is inserted, we'll reach pushInserted. This adds the script to the alreadyInserted list for the page. If that script is accidentally inserted again, the test for alreadyInserted will not add the script again, thus solving the duplicate script issue.

If this script has dependencies, those prerequisite scripts are inserted. In this example, menu.js might depend on events.js and utils.js. You can capture these dependency relationships using a hash or database. For simpler sites, dependencies can be maintained manually. For more complex sites, you may choose to automate ...

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