
Our look is the result of reader comments, our own experimentation, and feedback from distribution channels. Distinctive covers complement our distinctive approach to technical topics, breathing personality and life into potentially dry subjects.

The animal on the cover of Hardcore Java is a lion. The lion (Panthera leo) is the largest of the African carnivores. Males, distinguished by their tawny manes, can weigh up to 500 pounds; the smaller, maneless females can weigh up to 300 pounds. Both sexes are powerfully built. Their muscular bodies can take down such large prey as buffalo, giraffe, and young elephants, but they usually hunt medium- to large-sized herd animals, such as antelopes and gazelles.

The regal designation “king of the jungle” is a misnomer. Lions tend to live on the open plains throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Nor are they the ferocious, man-eating beasts portrayed in old stories and movies. Though lions have been known to attack humans when provoked, their lifestyle is surprisingly laid-back. They love to lie around and snooze in the sun, and are active for only two to four hours a day. They hunt in groups, usually at night. A pride consists of 12 females that are closely related and up to 6 males.

While their day-to-day life may be easygoing, the mating rituals of lions are often savage and deadly. Males mate with females of their pride. The toughest males can take over a pride by expelling other males in bloody, often fatal, fights. These males are then ...

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