Creating Lists and Tables

Lists are both quick and easy. There are two kinds of lists: ordered (that is, numbered) and unordered (that is, bulleted). First, specify which kind of list you want:

  • Ordered list: <ol></ol>

  • Unordered list: <ul></ul>

Then, between the opening and closing list tags, introduce each new item on the list with a list item <li> tag. Here's an example; the results are in Figure B-5:

The <ol> tag defines an automatically numbered list. The <ul> tag defines a bulleted list.

Figure B-5. The <ol> tag defines an automatically numbered list. The <ul> tag defines a bulleted list.

By the way, you don't have to put each tag on its own line. You could just as easily write the HTML like this:

	<ol><li>Here's<li>a<li>numbered<li>list.</ol><	ul><li>Here's<li>a<li> 

The code without line breaks is harder for humans to read, but browsers ignore line breaks in your HTML document (unless you type them in using the <br> or the <p> tag). So it doesn't matter how many times you hit Enter; the list appears the same as it does if you mushed everything together on one line. Because you're a human, though, when you're typing a list into an HTML document, it's easier to read your work if you put each list item on its own line.


Because HTML ignores spaces and line breaks, you need a special format if you want to control layout and positioning precisely. ...

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