
FACE — NN n/a IE 4 HTML 4


FACE=”fontFaceName1[, ... fontFaceNameN]"


You can assign a hierarchy of font faces to use for the default font of a section headed by a BASEFONT element. The browser looks for the first font face in the comma-delimited list of font face names until it either finds a match in the client system or runs out of choices, at which point the browser default font face is used. Font face names must match the system font face names exactly. If you use this attribute (instead of the preferred style sheet attribute), you can always suggest a generic font face (serif, sans-serif) as the final choice.

In IE 3, this attribute was called the NAME attribute.


<BASEFONT FACE="Bookman, Times Roman, serif">


One or more font face names, including the recognized generic faces: serif | sans-serif | cursive | fantasy | monospace.


Browser default.

Object Model Reference


[window.] document.all.tags(“basefont”)[i].face

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