
TARGET — NN all IE all HTML 4




If all or most links and area maps on a page load documents into a separate window or frame, you can set the TARGET attribute of the BASE element to take care of targeting for all of those elements. You can set the TARGET attribute without setting the HREF attribute if you want to set only the base target reference.


<BASE TARGET="rightFrame">


Case-sensitive identifier when the frame or window name has been assigned via the target element’s NAME attribute. Four reserved target names act as constants:


Browser creates a new window for the destination document.


Destination document replaces the current frame’s framesetting document (if one exists; otherwise, it is treated as _self).


Destination document replaces the current document in its window or frame.


Destination document is to occupy the entire browser window, replacing any and all framesets that may be loaded (also treated as _self if there are no framesets defined in the window).



Object Model Reference



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