
VALIGN — NN all IE all HTML 3.2




Determines the vertical alignment of content within the TD element. A value you set for an individual cell overrides the same attribute setting for outer containers, such as TR and TBODY.


<TD VALIGN="bottom">


Four constant values are recognized by both IE 4 and HTML 4.0: top | middle | bottom | baseline. With top and bottom, the content is rendered flush (or very close to it) to the top and bottom of the table cell. Set to middle (the default), the content floats perfectly centered vertically in the cell. When one cell’s contents might wrap to multiple lines at common window widths (assuming a variable table width), it is advisable to set the VALIGN attribute to baseline. This assures that the character baseline of the first (or only) line of a cell’s text aligns with the other cells in the row—usually the most aesthetically pleasing arrangement.



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