
display — NN 4 IE 4 CSS 1


Inherited: No

A multipurpose attribute that determines whether the element should be rendered in the document (and space reserved for it in the content). If the element is to be rendered, the attribute sets what type of element (block or inline) it is. The list of available values recognized by Navigator 4 and Internet Explorer 4 (and CSS1) is fairly short: block | inline | list-item | none, yet both browsers do not actually change the element type with values other than none. CSS2 expands the list significantly. When set to none, the element is hidden from view, and all surrounding content cinches up to occupy whatever space the element would normally occupy. This is different from the visibility attribute, which reserves space for the element while hiding it from view.

CSS Syntax

display: displayType

JavaScript Equivalent



One of the constant values: block | compact | inline | inline-table | list-item | none | run-in | table | table-caption | table-cell | table-column-group | table-footer-group | table-header-group | table-row | table-row-group.

Initial Value



hidden {display: none}

Applies To

All elements.

Object Model Reference



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