
border-bottom-width, border-left-width, border-right-width, border-top-width — NN 4 IE 4 CSS 1


Inherited: No

Each attribute sets the width of a single border edge of an element. Note that Navigator’s initial value is zero, which means that you must set the width for all border attribute settings if you expect to see the border in Navigator. See also the border-width attribute for setting the width of multiple edges in one statement.

CSS Syntax

border-bottom-width: thin | medium | thick | length
border-left-width: thin | medium | thick | length
border-right-width: thin | medium | thick | length
border-top-width: thin | medium | thick | length

JavaScript Equivalent



Three constants—thin | medium | thick—allow the browser to define exactly how many pixels are used to show the border. For more precision, you can also assign a length value (see the discussion of length values at the beginning of this chapter).

Initial Value

medium (IE); 0 (NN).


H2 {border-bottom-width: 2px}
DIV {border-left-width: thin}
P.special {border-right-width: 0.5em}

Applies To

All elements (CSS and NN); block and replaced elements (IE).

Object Model Reference






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