OpenAjax Hub

The OpenAjax Alliance ( is an organization of vendors and organizations that have committed themselves to interoperable AJAX-based web technologies. One of the key issues of the current era of web development is being able to use multiple JavaScript libraries within a single application. While Dojo and some of the other frameworks take precautions to cover the bare minimums for interoperability such as protecting the global namespace, actually using two libraries concurrently so that they are truly interoperable continues to produce challenges in regards to actually passing data back and forth as well as overall programming style and learning curve.

The OpenAjax Alliance has proposed what is known as the OpenAjax Hub, which is a specification for how libraries should interact. You probably won't be surprised to learn that the basic technique for interoperability is the loosely coupled publish/subscribe idiom. To that end, Core provides an OpenAjax module that implements the specification and exposes the following methods via a global OpenAjax object:

  • registerLibrary

  • unregisterLibrary

  • publish

  • subscribe

  • unsubscribe

As a champion of open standards, you can rest assured that Dojo will strive to stay current with the latest OpenAjax Hub specification, which you can read about at

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