
The path from journeyman to master is long. In the case of data visualization, the path has been well marked by many accomplished designers and cognitive scientists who have been doing great work for decades. We gladly follow in their footsteps, and we hope you will, too.

In these pages, however, our goal is not so much to take you to the summit as to start you down the path—and that the path is quite rewarding to travel. Our goal is to give you confidence as you begin your journey.

Many statisticians and practitioners with excellent coding and data munging skills are nevertheless stuck in a rut of common formats and default settings, which lead to mundane, suboptimal visualizations. But the domain of hand-crafted, fine-tuned, noteworthy visualizations is not limited to “creative” types; it is accessible with a bit of guidance.

The truth is, there is plenty of room for artistry and creativity in data visualization. But success is built upon a linear process that encodes information for visual transmission and subsequent decoding by wetware—the reader’s brain. One aim in writing this book is to introduce you to this process, including some basic concepts and best practices, so that your message may be transmitted with minimal interference.

It is a process. And design is something you’re probably already doing, whether you’re designing applications, frameworks, graphics, or something else. Design is simply a process of organized thinking, planning, and executing. You are making design choices, intentional or not. Of course, intentional choices have a better chance of being useful than arbitrary or accidental choices.[1] This book is a road map to those choices: it is meant to make you aware of the choices you get to make, and to help you make useful, intentional design decisions at every turn.

This high-level road map is one we haven’t seen presented anywhere else. It will give you the general lay of the land. It is a set of steps and rules to follow that will get you 80% of the way to turning out great work. We’ll introduce many questions you’ll need to ask yourself, and point you in the direction of some answers. The nuanced details of those answers have already been addressed by others, and we hope you will continue down the path with further guidance from our colleagues and mentors (see the Reading List in Appendix A).

Note that Appendix A also covers some of the many tools available for creating data visualizations, and we hope you will peruse them. But you’ll find a discussion of tools intentionally missing from the rest of the book, because the topic at hand is, “What problem are you solving?” (and the questions you’re answering), rather than, “What tools are you using?” Design and implementation are two separate things.

As in any creative discipline, the best data visualizations are forged by breaking some of the rules. But rules must be broken with intention. One must learn the rules (well, more like guidelines) before one is entitled to break them. With that in mind, we present for your consideration our process for the visual encoding of information.

How This Book Is Organized

This book is organized into two major parts, which can loosely be thought of as practical theoretical foundations and applied suggestions, respectively.

In Part I, we discuss different kinds of visualization (including infographics and visual art) and explore the influences at work in each one. The goal is to help you become a more savvy consumer of visualizations, as well as a more organized thinker when creating your own visual work.

In Chapter 1, we introduce some ways of classifying and describing different styles of visualization, so that you can begin to think about and describe what you’re designing.

In Chapter 2, we introduce the three fundamental influences to the visualization product—the designer, the reader, and the data—and describe how each should shape what is eventually created.

In Part II, we apply these concepts to the design process. The goal is to help you think in a linear way about how to select and apply appropriate encodings for your data.

In Chapter 3, we focus on getting to a clear understanding of your goals—and defining the requisite supporting data—so that you can implement them most effectively.

In Chapter 4, we lay out heuristics for understanding the shape of your data and choosing compatible visual properties and structures with which to encode it.

In Chapter 5, we dive deep into the property of spatial position—axes and placement—one of the most important properties you’ll need to select. We also discuss using different visualization structures.

In Chapter 6, we look at best practices and offer specific suggestions for encoding many specific different data types with visual properties. We also present warnings against common pitfalls and dark patterns.

Finally, the Appendices are full of resources and references meant to help you put your skills into practice and expand your knowledge beyond this volume.

Appendix A contains a list of tools to help you get started, as well as a suggested reading list to expand your knowledge and understanding of design concepts.

Appendix B is a list of the questions and decisions you’ll confront as part of the design process. We hope you’ll read the entire book, and then use this section as a refresher whenever you design a new visualization.

What We Mean When We Say…

In this book, we’ll use some specific terms to describe your data and visual encodings. Here is a handy glossary for quick reference.

Chart: Something that shows qualitative information (e.g., flow charts).
Data dimensions: One single channel of data. A stock graph may comprise four properties: date, price, company, and market cap. Each is a unique dimension of the data, which can be encoded separately, with a different visual property.
Data visualization: Visualizations that are algorithmically generated and can be easily regenerated with different data, are usually data-rich, and are often aesthetically shallow.
Designer: The creator of a visualization; any reader of this book.
Encoding: The visual property (noun) applied to a dimension of data that encodes (verb) the information into a visual medium for decoding by the reader’s brain.
Explanatory visualization: Data visualizations that are used to transmit information or a point of view from the designer to the reader. Explanatory visualizations typically have a specific “story” or information that they are intended to transmit.
Exploratory visualization: Data visualizations that are used by the designer for self-informative purposes to discover patterns, trends, or sub-problems in a dataset. Exploratory visualizations typically don’t have an already-known story.
Graph: Something that shows quantitative information (e.g., pie graphs and bar graphs).
Infographic: Visualizations that are manually generated around specific data, tend to be data-shallow, and are often aesthetically rich.
Reader: The consumer of a visualization, often someone other than the designer. The reader has information needs that are meant to be satisfied by the visualization.
Visual property: A characteristic that you can see. Color, size, location, thickness, and line weight are all visual properties.
Variability of a property or data dimension: Within a visual property or single data dimension, what values are present or allowed, and how they change. Integers vary discretely; position can vary continuously. Categories are finite (and discrete, though maybe hierarchical); numbers are infinite.

Figures Used by Permission

The following figures are reprinted by kind permission:

Figure 1-3. Flint Hahn (2010). Copyright © 2010, Flint Hahn. Permission to reproduce the likeness of Burning Man and the mark “Burning Man” granted by Burning Man.

Figure 1-5. Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese (2011). Copyright © 2011, Ligorano/Reese.

Figure 4-1. European Soil Bureau. Copyright © 1995–2011, European Union. Used with stated authorization to reproduce, with acknowledgment.

Figure 4-2. Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) (2007). Copyright © 2007, The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. Columbia University. Population, Landscape, and Climate Estimates (PLACE). Used under the Creative Commons Attribution License.

Figure 4-5. Tableau Software Public Gallery. Copyright © 2003–2011 Tableau Software.

Figure 4-6. Christian Caron (2011). Copyright © 2011, Christian Caron.

Figure 4-10. Michael Dayah (1997). Copyright © 1997 Michael Dayah.

Figure 4-15. Robert Palmer (2010). Copyright © 2010, Robert Palmer.

Figure 5-1 and Figure 5-2. Photo credits to: Annette Crimmins, Sias van Schalkwyk, Janni Due, Dimitri Castrique, and Grethe Boe.

Figure 5-6. Nelson Minar (2011). Copyright © 2011 Daedalus Bits, LLC.

Figure 5-7. Craig Robinson (2011). Copyright © 2011, Craig Robinson.

Figure 5-8. Tableau Software Public Gallery. Copyright © 2003–2011 Tableau Software.

Figure 6-3. Spective® Colour System is the evolved color selection method created by Tony Scauzillo-Golden in 2010 while improving upon existing design industry standard color UIs. Please visit TSG’s Spective Productions website for further details. Spective® is registered under United States Patent Reg. No. 3,896,334.

Figure 6-11. Jess Bachman (2011). Copyright © 2011, Jess Bachman.

See the Color Figures Online

The images in this book were designed to be viewed in color and at full size. If you’re reading the print edition or on a mobile device, please download the color figures from the website for this book to see them in their full glory.

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This book is here to help you get your job done. If you reference limited parts of it in your work or writings, we appreciate, but do not require, attribution. An attribution usually includes the title, author, publisher, and ISBN. For example: “Designing Data Visualizations by Noah Iliinsky and Julie Steele (O’Reilly). Copyright 2011 Julie Steele and Noah Iliinsky, 978-1-449-31228-2.”

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We wish to thank all the amazing visual thinkers and designers who came before us, who work with us, who inspire us. Many of them are cited in the Reading List in Appendix A, and many others have kindly given us permission to reprint their work here. We also wish to thank the good folks at O’Reilly who helped this project come to life.

In particular, Noah would like to thank professor David Farkas, as one of the many origins of this book can be traced to Dave’s suggestion to “take a quarter and look at some diagrams, and see what happens,” many years ago.

Finally, big thanks and hugs to our friends, and especially our family members, who have loved, supported, fed, and encouraged us over the hectic writing period. Martin, Miller, Amy, Juliebot WCE, Nathan, Noël, Tanya, Edd, and Anna: thanks for keeping us going and for cheering us on.

[1] Suh: The Principles of Design (Oxford University Press); Schon: The Reflective Practitioner (Basic Books).

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