


Interface Name: java.sql.Driver

Superclass: None

Immediate Subclasses: None

Interfaces Implemented: None

Availability: JDK 1.1


This class represents a specific JDBC implementation. When a Driver is loaded, it should create an instance of itself and register that instance with the DriverManager class. This action allows applications to create instances of it using the Class.forName( ) call to load a driver.

The Driver object then provides the ability for an application to connect to one or more databases. When a request for a specific database comes through, the DriverManager passes the data source request to each Driver registered as a URL. The first Driver to connect to the data source using that URL will be used.

Class Summary

public interface Driver {
    boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException;
    Connection connect(String url, Properties info)
        throws SQLException;
    int getMajorVersion( );
    int getMinorVersion( );
    DriverPropertyInfo[] getPropertyInfo(String url, 
                                         Properties info)
        throws SQLException;
    boolean jdbcCompliant( );

Object Methods

acceptsURL( )

public boolean acceptsURL(String url) throws SQLException

This method returns true if the specified URL matches the URL subprotocol used by this driver.

connect( )

public Connection connect(String url, Properties info) 
    throws SQLException

This method attempts a connect using the specified URL and Property information (usually containing the username and password). If the URL is not right ...

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