


Measure the percentage accuracy of each coder relative to others on the team.
Efficiency = 1.0 - (Individual (Turnovers + Errors) / Team (Turnovers + Errors))


The individual coders on a software team have the following total Turnovers and Errors during work on a software release:

Coder A: Turnovers 22, Errors 71
Coder B: Turnovers 11, Errors 29
Coder C: Turnovers 7, Errors 70
Coder D: Turnovers 0, Errors 49

The sum total of the Turnovers and Errors for the team is then:

Team (Turnovers + Errors) = (22 + 11 + 7 + 0) + (71 + 29 + 70 + 49) = 259

The Efficiency for each individual coder can then be calculated as follows:

Efficiency Coder A = 1.0 - ((22 + 71) / 259) = .64
Efficiency Coder B = 1.0 - ((11 + 29) / 259) = .85
Efficiency Coder C = 1.0 - ((7 + 70) / 259) = .70
Efficiency Coder D = 1.0 - ((0 + 49) / 259) = .81


Like Influence, the Efficiency metric provides a relative ranking of how efficient each coder is in the work they’ve done, in the sense that the work they’ve done had less errors and fewer incomplete tasks. The formula calculates the fractional percentage of Errors plus Turnovers that each coder has relative to the team, then subtracts from 1.0 to represent the “positive” aspect, so that coders with higher values are the ones with greater efficiency. You could also have a slightly different metric, in which you did not subtract the calculation from 1.0, and you might call that metric something like “Inefficiency” or “Handicap.” This ...

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