
Win Percentage


Measure the percentage of trials that successfully convert to active users.
Win Percentage = (Successful Trials / Trials Completed) × 100


A new software release is issued at the end of June. The following trial data is recorded for the three months following the product release:

Month of July: 81 Trials Complete, 67 Successful Trials
Month of August: 107 Trials Complete, 88 Successful Trials
Month of September: 142 Trials Complete, 119 Successful Trials

The monthly Win Percentages for the product release can then be calculated as follows:

Win Percentage in July = (67 / 81) × 100 = 83%
Win Percentage in August = (82 / 107) × 100 = 77%
Win Percentage in September = (124 / 142) × 100 = 87%

The Total and Average Win Percentage will basically be the same, although they could be slightly off based on rounding. They can be calculated in either of the following ways:

Total Win Percentage = ((67 + 82 + 124) / (81 + 107 + 142)) × 100 = 83%
Average Win Percentage = (83 + 77 + 87) / 3 = 82%
Win Percentage in September = (124 / 142) × 100 = 87%


The value of the Win Percentage metric is to provide you an indicator of how well the software succeeds with the target users. Obviously if your software does not offer trials or demos, then the formula presented here will not work for you. In that case you might consider whether there is another way to determine Win Percentage. For example, if the first 30 or 60 days of use of your software typically translates ...

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