Chapter 8. Performance and Production

8.0. Introduction

You’ve spent all of this time developing your next big thing: what’s next but to ship it to the wild? Whether it is a product, internal service, or library, the last (and most important) step is delivering the fruits of your labor to your audience.

It’s easy for developers to forget that code-complete is only the beginning of an actual application’s life cycle. A successful project will spend much more time in production than it will in development, and stability and maintainability are premium features.

This is a chapter all about really finishing your work and building something that will run as painlessly as possible for years to come. Be the task performance, logging, release, or long-term maintenance, it’s all important in shipping something that is truly excellent. There is certainly a lot to worry about when your baby finally leaves home; we hope these recipes help you get it right.

8.1. AOT Compilation


You want to deliver your code as precompiled JVM bytecode in .class files, rather than as Clojure source code.


Use the :aot (ahead of time) compilation key in your project’s project.clj file to specify which namespaces should be compiled to .class files. The value of the :aot key is a vector of either symbols indicating specific namespaces to be compiled, or regular expression literals specifying that any namespace with a matching name should be compiled. Alternatively, instead of a vector, ...

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