

$ (jQuery object), Client Side: jQuery


abstraction level, jQuery and Jython
Accept headers, Uniform Resource Identifiers
acceptance testing, Formal Versus Informal
actions, Nouns as Resources; Verbs as HTTP Actions
ad hoc testing, Formal Versus Informal
adaptive layout, Starting Point One: Responsive Web Design
agile methodology, Developer Productivity
Ajax, Ajax
Algermissen, Jan, API Measures and Classification
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon EC2
Amazon Machine Image (AMI), Amazon EC2
analysis-paralysis, Developer Productivity
Angular, Project, Client Side: AngularJS
Angular Seed, Popularity, Controllers
Angular-UI, Popularity
annotations, Server Code
anonymous functions, First-Class Functions, Function Declarations and Expressions
Ansible, DevOps Configuration Management
Ant, Java Tools
Apache Ant, Java Tools
Apache web server, Simpler Server-Side Solutions
APIs (application programming interfaces)
advantages of open-source, Flexibility of Design/Use of Open Source APIs
design approaches, API Design
design guidelines, GuidelinesSecurity
practical vs. RESTful, Practical Web APIs Versus RESTful APIs, Theory in Practice
project example, ProjectCurl and jQuery
shift to client-server approach, A Decision to Design
Applets, Code on Demand, REST and JSON
application client modules, Java and JEE Packaging
application requirements, Overview
application scalability, CMM to Assess Process Uniformity, Conclusion
application servers, Java-Based Servers, Web Application Servers, Java and JEE ...

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