Arithmetic Operators

Table 1-9. The arithmetic operators







x * y

The product of x and y.



x / y

The quotient of x by y.


Modulo division

x % y

The remainder of the division x / y.



x + y

The sum of x and y.



x - y

The difference of x and y.

+ (unary)

Positive sign


The value of x.

- (unary)

Negative sign


The arithmetic negation of x.




x is incremented (x=x+1). The prefixed operator (++x) increments the operand before it is evaluated; the postfixed operator (x++) increments the operand after it is evaluated.




x is decremented (x=x-1). The prefixed operator (--x) decrements the operand before it is evaluated; the postfixed operator (x--) decrements the operand after it is evaluated.

The operands of arithmetic operators may have any arithmetic type. Only the % operator requires integer operands.

The usual arithmetic conversions may be performed on the operands. For example, 3.0/2 is equivalent to 3.0/2.0. The result has the type of the operands after such conversion.

Note that the result of division with integer operands is also an integer! For example:

6 / 4       //  Result:  1 
6 % 4       //  Result:  2 
6.0 / 4.0   //  Result: 1.5

The increment operator ++ (and analogously, the decrement operator --) can be placed either before or after its operand. A variable x is incremented (i. e., increased by 1) both by ++x ...

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