
wcrtomb function — Converts a wide character to a multibyte character


size_t wcrtomb(char* dst, wchar_t wc, mbstate_t* ps)

The wcrtomb function converts a wide character to a multibyte character. It first determines the number of bytes needed to represent wc as a multibyte character. If dst is not null, the sequence of multibyte characters is stored there. At most, MB_CUR_MAX (defined in <cstdlib>) bytes are stored, and the return value is the actual number of bytes written to dst. If wc does not have a valid multibyte encoding, static_cast<size_t>(-1) is returned.

If dst is null, wcrtomb ignores wc and converts the null wide character using a private, internal buffer (e.g., wcrtomb( buffer, L'\0', ps)).

The ps parameter points to the shift state, which keeps track of the conversion state between calls to wcrtomb. If ps is null, an internal shift state is used (which is similar to calling wctomb in <cstdlib>).

See Also

mbrtowc function, mbstate_t type, MB_CUR_MAX in <cstdlib> , wctomb in <cstdlib> , codecvt in <locale>

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