
declaration — Function, namespace, object, type, template declaration


               translation-unit ::= [declaration-seq]
declaration-seq ::= declaration | declaration-seq 
               declaration ::= block-decl | function-decl | template-decl | explicit-instantiation |
    explicit-specialization | linkage-specification | namespace-defn
               block-decl ::= simple-decl | asm-defn | namespace-alias-defn | using-decl | 
               simple-decl ::= [decl-specifier-seq] [init-declarator-list] ;
decl-specifier ::= storage-class-specifier | type-specifier | function-specifier | 
    friend | typedef
decl-specifier-seq ::= decl-specifier | decl-specifier-seq 
               storage-class-specifier ::= auto | register | static | extern | mutable
function-specifier ::= inline | virtual | explicit

A source file is a sequence of zero or more declarations. See Chapter 2 for a full discussion of declarations.

See Also

asm, declarator, function, namespace, template, type, typedef, using, Chapter 2

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