
lconv structure — Numeric formatting information


struct lconv {
  char *decimal_point;
  char *thousands_sep;
  char *grouping;
  char *int_curr_symbol;
  char *currency_symbol;
  char *mon_decimal_point;
  char *mon_thousands_sep;
  char *mon_grouping;
  char *positive_sign;
  char *negative_sign;
  char int_frac_digits;
  char frac_digits;
  char p_cs_precedes;
  char p_sep_by_space;
  char n_cs_precedes;
  char n_sep_by_space;
  char p_sign_posn;
  char n_sign_posn;
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The lconv structure stores information used to format numbers and monetary values. An implementation can add more members to the class and change the order of declaration.

The standard library is responsible for filling an lconv object with values that are appropriate for a locale. Do not modify the lconv object or its data members.

Each locale defines suitable values for the lconv members. The char-type members are all nonnegative integers, in which CHAR_MAX means the information is not available in the current locale. For the char* members, an empty string means the information is not available. The "C" locale uses "." for decimal_point, an empty string (“”) for all other char* members, and CHAR_MAX for all char members. All strings are null-terminated.

The localeconv function returns a pointer to the current locale’s lconv object.

The following are descriptions of the lconv members:

char* currency_symbol

The currency symbol for the current ...

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