
bitset::reference class — Proxy class for a bit in a bitset


class reference {
  friend class bitset;
  reference(  )
  ~reference(  );
  reference& operator=(bool x);
  reference& operator=(const reference&);
  bool operator~(  ) const;
  operator bool(  ) const;
  reference& flip(  );

The bitset::reference class is a proxy that refers to a single bit in a bitset. The constructor is private, so instances can be created only by the bitset class, particularly by its operator[] function. The member functions are:

reference& operator= (bool x)reference& operator= (const reference& x)

Sets the referenced bit to x in the underlying bitset. Returns *this.

bool operator~ ( ) const

Returns the logical negation of the referenced bit.

operator bool ( ) const

Returns the value of the referenced bit.

reference& flip ( )

Toggles the referenced bit in the underlying bitset. Returns *this.

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