
rotate_copy function template — Rotates and copies items in a range


template<typename FwdIter, typename OutIter>
  OutIter rotate_copy(FwdIter first, FwdIter middle, FwdIter last, 
                      OutIter result);

The rotate_copy function template copies elements from the range [middle, last) to the range that starts at result followed by the elements from [first, middle), thereby effecting a rotation to the left. The return value is one past the end of the result range.

The source and result ranges must not overlap. Figure 13-16 shows an example of rotation.

Technical Notes

The rotate_copy function template assigns *(result + (n + (last - middle)) % (last - first)) = *(first + n) for all n in [0, last - first). It returns result + (last - first).

Complexity is linear: exactly last - first assignments are performed.

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