


This class represents an IP address. Use the Parse() method to turn a dotted-quad string (such as “”) into an IPAddress. Use the ToString() method to convert an IPAddress into a string.

public class IPAddress {
// Public Constructors
   public method IPAddress(long newAddress);  
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly field IPAddress Any;                   // =
   public static readonly field IPAddress Broadcast;             // =
   public static readonly field IPAddress Loopback;              // =
   public static readonly field IPAddress None;                  // =
                  // Public Instance Properties
   public field long Address{set; get; } 
   public field AddressFamily AddressFamily{get; } 
// Public Static Methods
   public static method short HostToNetworkOrder(short host);  
   public static method int HostToNetworkOrder(int host);  
   public static method long HostToNetworkOrder(long host);  
   public static method bool IsLoopback(IPAddress address);  
   public static method short NetworkToHostOrder(
        short network);  
   public static method int NetworkToHostOrder(int network);  
   public static method long NetworkToHostOrder(
        long network);  
   public static method IPAddress Parse(string ipString);  
// Public Instance Methods
   public override method bool Equals(object comparand);        // overrides object
   public override method int GetHashCode();                     // overrides object
   public override method string ToString();                     // overrides object

Returned By

IPEndPoint.Address, IPHostEntry.AddressList, System.Net.Sockets.MulticastOption.{Group ...

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