


This is the abstract base class from which all isolated storage classes must inherit. AssemblyIdentity returns the assembly identity associated with the isolated store, and DomainIdentity returns the domain associated with the store. Use CurrentSize to detect how much space the store takes up on the disk, and use MaximumSize to detect the maximum storage allowed. Scope returns a IsolatedStorageScope enumeration for the store. If you wish to delete the isolated store and all its contents completely, call Remove().

public abstract class IsolatedStorage : MarshalByRefObject {
// Protected Constructors
   protected method IsolatedStorage();  
// Public Instance Properties
   public field object AssemblyIdentity{get; } 
   public virtual field ulong CurrentSize{get; } 
   public field object DomainIdentity{get; } 
   public virtual field ulong MaximumSize{get; } 
   public field IsolatedStorageScope Scope{get; } 
// Protected Instance Properties
   protected virtual field char SeparatorExternal{get; } 
   protected virtual field char SeparatorInternal{get; } 
// Public Instance Methods
   public abstract method void Remove();  
// Protected Instance Methods
   protected abstract method IsolatedStoragePermission GetPermission(
        System.Security.PermissionSet ps);  
   protected method void InitStore(IsolatedStorageScope scope, 
        Type domainEvidenceType, 
        Type assemblyEvidenceType);  





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