


This class writes strings of characters to a stream. Encoding sets the encoding of the produced text; change the object that provides formatting by setting FormatProvider. To change the newline character produced in your text, set the NewLine property. To write to a stream, call either Write() or WriteLine(). To clear the current buffer of characters, use Flush(). As always, Close() allows you to free the resources in use by the TextWriter.

public abstract class TextWriter : MarshalByRefObject : IDisposable {
// Protected Constructors
   protected method TextWriter();  
   protected method TextWriter(
        IFormatProvider formatProvider);  
// Public Static Fields
   public static readonly field TextWriter Null;    // =System.IO.TextWriter+NullTextWriter
                  // Protected Instance Fields
   protected field char[] CoreNewLine;  
// Public Instance Properties
   public abstract field Encoding Encoding{get; } 
   public virtual field IFormatProvider FormatProvider{get; } 
   public virtual field string NewLine{set; get; } 
// Public Static Methods
   public static method TextWriter Synchronized(
        TextWriter writer);  
// Public Instance Methods
   public virtual method void Close();  
   public virtual method void Flush();  
   public virtual method void Write(bool value);  
   public virtual method void Write(char value);  
   public virtual method void Write(char[] buffer);  
   public virtual method void Write(char[] buffer, int index, 
        int count);  
   public virtual method void Write(decimal value);  
   public virtual method void Write(double ...

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