


This attribute contains two properties that indicate whether code can be debugged. IsJITOptimizerDisabled indicates whether optimization has been turned off, and IsJITTrackingEnabled indicates whether debug symbols have been placed in the code. This attribute is automatically applied by the compiler, with isJITTrackingEnabled set to false and isJITOptimizerDisabled set to true. Use the /debug command-line compiler switch to include debug symbols (isJITTrackingEnabled=true), and use /optimize to enable compile-time optimizations (isJITOptimizerDisabled=false).

public sealed class DebuggableAttribute : Attribute {
// Public Constructors
   public method DebuggableAttribute(
        bool isJITTrackingEnabled, bool isJITOptimizerDisabled);  
// Public Instance Properties
   public field bool IsJITOptimizerDisabled{get; } 
   public field bool IsJITTrackingEnabled{get; } 



Valid On

Assembly, Module

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