
Wsdl.exe — Web Services Description Language Utility


wsdl.exe options 
                  url-or-path [url-or-path ...]


Creates service descriptions and generates proxy clients for ASP.NET web-service methods. See the ASP.NET documentation in the .NET Framework SDK for more detail on web services.


Create the proxy client Service1.cs from the . NET web service at the specified URL:

wsdl http://localhost/MyService/Service1.asmx?WSDL



Displays usage information and exits.

/appsettingbaseurl: url, /baseurl: url

Specifies the base URL for calculating the URL fragment. Requires /appsettingurlkey.

/appsettingurlkey: key, /urlkey: key

Specifies application settings configuration key to read the default value for the proxy client’s Url property.

/d[omain]: domain

Specifies a domain name, if one is required for authentication.

/l[anguage]: language

Specifies the language for the generated proxy client. Valid options are CS (C#), VB (Visual Basic .NET), and JS (JScript.NET).

/namespace: namespace

Specifies a namespace for the generated proxy client class.


Suppresses display of the banner and copyright messages.

/o[ut]: file

Specifies the filename of the generated proxy client class. If not specified, Wsdl bases the filename on the name of the web service.

/p[assword]: password

Specifies a password, if one is required for authentication.

/protocol: protocol

Specifies the protocol to implement. Valid protocols are SOAP (the default), HttpGet, or HttpPost.

/proxy: url ...

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