

$authordata global variable, WordPress Global Variables
$blog_id global variable, $blog_id
$current_user object, Insert, replace, and update
$post global variable, WordPress Global Variables, Enqueuing Other JavaScript Libraries
$shortcode_tags global variable, Removing Shortcodes
$styles object, Versioning CSS and JS Files
$template variable, Using locate_template in Your Plugins
$temp_content` function, /pages/
$text variable, Other Useful Shortcode-Related Functions
$wpdb class, Escaping in DB queries
SELECT queries with, SELECT queries with $wpdb
$wpdb object, Custom SQL Statements
$wpdb->get_col() method, Escaping in DB queries, SELECT queries with $wpdb
$wpdb->get_results() method, SELECT queries with $wpdb
$wpdb->get_row() method, SELECT queries with $wpdb
$wpdb->insert() method, Insert, replace, and update
$wpdb->prefix property, Using custom DB tables
$wpdb->prepare() function, Custom SQL Statements
$wpdb->prepare() method, Escaping in DB queries
$wpdb->query() method, Running queries
$wpdb->replace() method, Insert, replace, and update
$wpdb->update() method, Insert, replace, and update
$wpdb` class, $wpdb
$wpdb→query() method, Using custom DB tables
$wp_query object, Insert, replace, and update
$wp_query→query_vars[subject] global variable, Adding Rewrite Rules
$_REQUEST values, checking, Enqueuing Other JavaScript Libraries
$_SERVER[HTTPS] global variable, WordPress Frontend over SSL
$_SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT] global variable, Device Detection in PHP
% (percent sign), escaping in SQL ...

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