
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


A Business Intelligence System (Luhn), A Business Intelligence System
accessibility, Specific Challenges to Data Collection
accuracy of data, Length of survey, Designing trust
ACID model of database transactions, The Challenge
action points, A Business Intelligence System
action research, Beyond the Data Warehouse
Amazon Dynamo system, Amazon's Dynamo
anchoring, 10. Data Isn't Free from the Eye of the Beholder
Argus portal, New Tools and Applied Research
asymmetry of risk-taking, What Data Doesn't Do
asynchronous data collection, Asynchronous data collection
author identification of corpus data, Author Identification (Stylometry)
Autonomy Corporation, Beyond the Data Warehouse
Azure SDS, Microsoft Azure SDS


base rate fallacy, 6. Probability Isn't Intuitive
best-effort approach to database transactions, The Challenge
biases in interpretation of data, What Data Doesn't Do, 10. Data Isn't Free from the Eye of the Beholder
BigTable system, Google's BigTable
binary data, To Pack or Not to Pack
BitTorrent, BitTorrent
Bradley, Providing the Raw Data Back to the Notebook
brains, Libraries and Brains
Brants, Natural Language Corpus Data
browser compatibility, Accommodating ...

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