Chapter 1. What’s New?

Within a few short years, ASP.NET has become one of the favorite tools of web applications developers, and now it’s about to undergo its second major upgrade. Microsoft is making major improvements to the product based on feedback from its millions of customers and the company’s own experience in developing and deploying web applications. Moreover, the market for web development tools has become increasingly competitive with the rise of open source PHP and Macromedia Flash, both of which have steadily gained market share.


ASP.NET 2.0 ships with several new controls to make the life of a web application developer easier. In ASP.NET 2.0, there are now new controls that help you to perform data access, site navigation, login, and personalization using Web Parts.

Page Framework

ASP.NET 2.0 supports some useful additions to its Page framework such as visual inheritance, technically known as Master Pages. Besides Master Pages, ASP.NET 2.0 also supports “theming” through Themes and Skins, allowing you to maintain a consistent look-and-feel for your web sites. Another noteworthy feature in ASP.NET is the improved support for localization, which reduces the amount of work you need to do to internationalize your web applications.

Services and APIs

Behind the various new controls in ASP.NET 2.0 lie the foundation services and APIs that do the heavy lifting needed to support the controls. For example, behind the new Login controls you’ll find the new collection of Membership APIs, which perform such tasks such as user authentication, registration of new users, etc. Besides using the new controls, you can directly make use of these APIs in code.

Table 1-1 summarizes some of most important new features of ASP.NET 2.0.

Table 1-1. Summary of new features in ASP.NET 2.0


Page Framework

Services and APIs

Data Controls

Includes controls that simplify the connection to data sources, as well as the new GridView and DetailsView controls.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 4.

Master Pages

Visual page inheritance for Web Forms.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 2.


The core service for user management, such as user creation, deletion, authentication, retrieval of passwords, etc.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 5.

Login Controls

Contains controls that make web site user management and user authentication easy and efficient.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 5.

Themes and Skins

Maintain consistent look-and-feel for the entire site by using Skins definitions grouped by themes.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 8.

Role Management

Manages the assignment of roles to users, such as add user to role, delete user from role, enquire if user is in role, etc.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 5.

Web Parts

Provides the infrastructure for creating Web Parts.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 3.


Simplify the steps needed to globalize and localize your web applications.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 8.

Site Maps

Supports the retrieval of site information, as well as display of site maps.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 2.

Navigation Controls

Contains controls that display site information and menus.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 2.


Supports dynamic compilation of business logic without the need for explicit recompilation when the code is changed. Also supports automatic generation of Web Services proxy class using WSDL.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 6.


Supports the personalization of Web sites through the Profile object.

We will discuss this topic in Chapter 7.

Additional Standard Controls

Contains controls such as ImageMap, FileUpload, MultiView, and TreeView.

We will discuss these controls in Chapter 1 and Chapter 2.

This chapter starts with a walkthrough of the steps you now follow to create a web application with Visual Studio 2005, and then dives into a few of the coolest new controls and control functionality.


If the professional editions of Visual Studio 2005 are too expensive for you, try the Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, a lightweight, easy-to-use, and easy-to-learn development tool focused exclusively on web development. It is primarily targeted at hobbyist developers and students who may find the cost of Visual Studio 2005 prohibitive. At the time of this writing, Microsoft has not yet announced pricing for the Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition but is widely expected to sell this version for a nominal amount.

Create a New Web Project

The way you create a new web application project has changed in Visual Studio 2005. In Visual Studio .NET 2003, you select File New Project on the Visual Studio menu and then select the kind of project you want to create (Web, Windows, Windows Services, and so on) in the New Project Dialog. In Visual Studio 2005, you open a new web project with the New Web Site... command in the File menu.


With Visual Studio 2005, it’s now easier than ever to start building an ASP.NET web application. You’ve got to try it to believe it!

How do I do that?

To get a feel for how you create a new web application in Visual Studio 2005, try walking through the following steps. First we’ll open the application, pick a location to host it for development, and then add a second web form. Finally, we will see how we can debug the application.

  1. You can change the IDE settings (listed in Sidebar 1-2 via Tools Import and Export Settings.... Since this book is all about web development, we naturally suggest you select Web Development Settings. Launch Visual Studio 2005. If you selected the Web Development Settings option in Visual Studio 2005, go to the File menu and select New Web Site..., as shown at the top of Figure 1-1. If you have chosen any other setting, go to the File menu and choose New Web Site... (see the bottom part of Figure 1-1).

    Creating a new web site in Visual Studio 2005
    Figure 1-1. Creating a new web site in Visual Studio 2005
  2. When the New Web Site dialog box appears, select a project template from the Templates pane. Since we’re creating a blank ASP.NET web site in this lab, select the ASP.NET Web Site template.

  3. In the New Web Site dialog, you need to choose a development language and a place to locate the project. We’ll be using Visual Basic as our language of choice throughout this book, so from the Language drop-down listbox, select Visual Basic.

    Visual Studio 2005 provides four ways to develop a web site. For this lab, you’ll use the File System option. Choose File System from the Location drop-down list. This new ASP.NET 2.0 option frees you from having to use IIS (Microsoft Internet Information Server) for development. Instead, Visual Studio 2005 provides its own built-in web server, which it launches when you run the web application. Use C:\ASPNET20\ as the location of your application and chap01-WebSite1 as its name. Type the complete pathname, C:\ASPNET20\chap01-WebSite1, into the drop-down combo box to the right of the Location box.


    No more worries about creating virtual directories on your web server! Visual Studio 2005 comes with a file-based web server for developing ASP.NET 2.0 applications. Now you can also develop ASP.NET 2.0 web applications on a Windows XP Home Edition PC, which traditionally does not include IIS.

    Figure 1-2 shows the completed New Web Site dialog.

    Selecting a project language, template, and location
    Figure 1-2. Selecting a project language, template, and location


    For all subsequent examples in this book, you will use C:\ASPNET20\ as the directory in which to store your projects.

    If you do wish to use IIS for development purposes, select HTTP from the Location drop-down list and enter a URL for the application instead, such as http://localhost/chap01-WebSite1.

  4. Once you have selected your template, language, and location, click OK. Visual Studio creates your project, and the Solution Explorer should display the files shown in Figure 1-3.

    The Solution Explorer
    Figure 1-3. The Solution Explorer
  5. By default, ASP.NET creates a folder named App_Data and an initial application page, a Web Form named Default.aspx with a code-behind page named Default.aspx.vb (to see the contents of this file, click the + symbol to the left of Default.aspx icon in the Solution Explorer).

  6. To add a new item (such as an additional Web Form) to your project, you can right-click the project name and select a template from the Add New Item... dialog box shown in Figure 1-5.

    Adding a new item to your web project
    Figure 1-5. Adding a new item to your web project
  7. Notice that you have the option to “Place code in separate file.” If this option is unchecked, your code will reside in the same file as your Web Form. For all the examples in this book, you will place the code in a separate file. Hence, check the “Place code in separate file” option. Click Add.


If you wish to debug your application (by using F5), you need to have a Web.config file in your project. By default, if there is no Web.config file when you try to debug your application, Visual Studio will prompt you to add one.

In Visual Studio 2005 (unlike Visual Studio .NET 2003), Web.config is not automatically added to your project. To add a Web.config file yourself, simply go to the Add New Item... dialog box, and select Web Configuration File from the “Visual Studio installed templates” window.

What about...

...modifying the code generated by the Visual Designer?

If you look at the code-behind of a Web Form, you will realize that the bulk of the user interface code generated by Visual Studio is no longer visible, as it has been in ASP.NET 1.x. Instead, you see a partial class:

Partial Class Default_aspx

End Class

You add your business logic to this partial class. Unlike ASP.NET 1.x, where the code-behind contains code generated by the Visual Designer, ASP.NET 2.0 does not display this section. Instead, at compile time, the Visual Designer automatically generates the partial class needed to implement the user interface and merges it with your code-behind.

...choosing another location for your web application?

Visual Studio 2005 provides four possible locations for a web application. If you are developing a simple web application (or are just trying out some of the new features in ASP.NET), the quick and easy way to build the application is to use the File System method. This method is also useful for developers who do not have a web server (such as IIS) installed on their machine, or for developers who are using Windows XP Home Edition as their development workstation.

If you already have a web server installed on your machine and you want to use it to host your web application, you can choose the Local IIS method. Doing so allows your web application to be accessed from other machines during development time.

If your web server is located remotely, such as in a hosting environment, then you could use the FTP method. Use FTP Sites if your hosting vendor supports FTP access. Alternatively, you can host your application on another remote server through HTTP using the Remote Web Site option. To use this option, the remote server must be configured with the FrontPage Server Extensions.

The project Property Pages
Figure 1-6. The project Property Pages

Where can I learn more?

Visit the Visual Studio 2005 home page at for information on the latest changes to Visual Studio 2005.

If you prefer to use the Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition, head over to for information on how to download a trial copy.

Use Multiple Languages

Unlike ASP.NET 1.x, which requires that you use the same language throughout a web application, ASP.NET 2.0 lets you vary your languages from page to page within a project.


You’re no longer restricted to using a single language for your web applications.


While support for multiple languages is a useful feature, developers should use it in moderation (and only if necessary). Going with multiple languages in a single project is likely to increase the effort required in maintaining the project, particularly if the application ends up being maintained by someone who’s not familiar with all the languages used.

Figure 1-7 shows a project with three pages, each of which is programmed with a different language: VB.NET (Default.aspx), C# (Default2.aspx), or VJ# (Default3.aspx).


VJ# does not support code-behind pages, so none appear for Page3.aspx in the Solution Explorer window.

A project with pages using different languages
Figure 1-7. A project with pages using different languages

How do I do that?

To verify that you can really mix languages in an ASP.NET 2.0 web application, in this lab you will create an application that uses two languages: VB.NET and C#.

  1. Using the project created in the last lab, add a new Web Form by right-clicking the project name in Solution Explorer and then selecting Add New Item.... Select Web Form from the list of installed templates.

  2. In the Add New Item dialog, you can choose the language you want to use, as shown in Figure 1-8. ASP.NET 2.0 supports three languages: VB2005, C#, and VJ#. Use the default name of Default2.aspx and choose the C# language. Click Add.

    Choosing the language to use
    Figure 1-8. Choosing the language to use
  3. In the Code View of Default.aspx, code the following:

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles Me.Load
        Page.Title = "Page written in Visual Basic"
    End Sub
  4. In the Code View of Default2.aspx, code the following:

    void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        Page.Title = "Page written in C#";
  5. To test the application, select Default.aspx in Solution Explorer and press F5. In IE, note the title of the window. Now, change the URL to load Default2.aspx. Figure 1-9 shows the effect of loading the two forms.

Loading two forms in an application written in two different languages
Figure 1-9. Loading two forms in an application written in two different languages

What about...

...using other .NET-supported languages such as C++, Python, or Perl?

Visual Studio 2005 will support only VB2005, C#, and VJ# for web development. The other languages are, however, available for other types of non-web projects.

Where can I learn more?

There is a good discussion on mixing languages in a .NET project at So before you go ahead and write your next ASP.NET web application using both VB.NET and C# (or J#), check out what other developers have to say.

Set the Focus of Controls

In earlier versions of ASP.NET, assigning focus to a control involves writing client-side script (such as JavaScript). In ASP.NET 2.0, this process has been much simplified, and you can now set the focus of a control via its Focus( ) method. Consider the example shown in Figure 1-10. If the user clicks on the Single radio button, you would expect the focus to now be assigned to the Age text box. If the Married option is selected, the Spouse Name text box should get the focus.

Setting the focus of controls
Figure 1-10. Setting the focus of controls


Look, no JavaScript! Now you set the focus of controls using the new Focus property.

How do I do that?

To try out the new Focus( ) method, work through the following steps to implement the form shown in Figure 1-10.

  1. In Visual Studio 2005, create a new ASP.NET 2.0 web application and name it C:\ASPNET20\chap01-ControlFocus.

  2. Add a radio button list and two text box controls to the default Web Form and give them the names shown in Figure 1-11.

    Populating the default form with the various controls
    Figure 1-11. Populating the default form with the various controls
  3. Populate the RadioButtonList with two items: Single and Married. To do so, switch to Source View and add the following bold lines:

    <asp:RadioButtonList ID="rblMaritalStatus" 
         runat="server" AutoPostBack="True">
    </asp:RadioButtonList><br />
  4. To ensure that the Spouse Name text box gets the focus when the user selects the Married radio button, and the Age text box gets the focus when the user selects the Single radio button, you need to set the AutoPostBack property of the RadioButtonList control (rblMaritalStatus) to true. This can be done either in the Tasks Menu of the RadioButtonList control (check the Enable AutoPostBack option) or via the Properties window.

  5. To implement the desired focus rules described in the previous step, double-click the RadioButtonList control to reveal the code-behind, and add the following code to the page:

    Protected Sub rblMaritalStatus_SelectedIndexChanged( _
              ByVal sender As Object, _
              ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
              Handles rblMaritialStatus.SelectedIndexChanged
        If rblMaritialStatus.SelectedValue = "Single" Then
            txtAge.Focus( )
            txtSpouseName.Focus( )
        End If
    End Sub


You can also set the focus of a control through the SetFocus( ) method of the Page class. The syntax is:


What about...

...setting a default button on a Web Form?

In ASP.NET 2.0, you can set a default button on a form. For example, Figure 1-12 shows a page with two TextBox controls and two Button controls. You can configure the Submit button to be the default button so it is automatically clicked when a user presses the Enter key.

Setting the Submit button as the default button of the form
Figure 1-12. Setting the Submit button as the default button of the form

To try this out on your own, follow these steps:


In ASP.NET 2.0, you can now set a default button on a page so that when the user presses the Enter key the button is automatically invoked.

  1. Create a form like the one shown in Figure 1-13.

    A Web Form with two TextBox controls and two Button controls
    Figure 1-13. A Web Form with two TextBox controls and two Button controls
  2. Switch the Web Form to Source View and then add the lines of code shown in bold. The defaultfocus attribute sets the control that will be assigned the focus when the form is loaded. The defaultbutton attribute sets the button to be activated when the Enter key is pressed:

    <form id="form1" runat="server"
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtEmail" runat="server" Width="174px"></asp:TextBox>
        <br />
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtPassword" runat="server" Width="153px" 
        <br />
        <asp:Button ID="btnCancel" runat="server" Text="Cancel" />
        <asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" /><br />
        <br />
  3. Press F5 to load the form; note that the focus is on the Email text box (see Figure 1-14), and the Submit key is set as the default button.

The Email text box has the focus, and the Submit button is the default button
Figure 1-14. The Email text box has the focus, and the Submit button is the default button

Where can I learn more?

The Focus( ) method in ASP.NET 2.0 works on the server side; hence, every time you need to set the focus of a control, you need to initiate a postback. If you want to set the focus of controls on the client side without a postback, check out the following two links:

Define Multiple Validation Groups on a Page

In ASP.NET 1.x, all controls in a single page are validated together. For example, suppose you have a Search button and a Get Title button, as shown in Figure 1-15. If you use a RequiredFieldValidator validation control on the ISBN text box, then clicking the Search button will not result in a postback if the ISBN text box is empty. This is because the entire page is invalidated as long as one control fails the validation.

Multiple forms on a page
Figure 1-15. Multiple forms on a page


By grouping controls into validation groups, you can now independently validate collections of controls.

In ASP.NET 2.0, group validation allows controls in a page to be grouped logically so that a postback in one group is not dependent on another.

How do I do that?

The best way to explore this new feature is to create a form with multiple postback controls, add a validator to one of them, and then assign each control to a separate group. In this lab, you’ll implement the form shown in Figure 1-15.

  1. Launch Visual Studio 2005 and create a new web site project. Name the project C:\ASPNET20\chap01-Validation.

  2. Populate the default Web Form with the Panel, TextBox, and Button controls shown in Figure 1-16.

    A page with multiple controls
    Figure 1-16. A page with multiple controls
  3. In the top panel (Panel control 1), you’ll configure the Search button to post the search string to the server, which in turn will redirect to Google’s site. To do so, double-click the Search button (btnSearch) and enter the following code on the code-behind to redirect the search string to Google’s site:

    Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                        Handles btnSearch.Click
        Dim queryStr As String = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(txtSearch.Text)
        Response.Redirect("" & queryStr)
    End Sub
  4. The TextBox control contained in the bottom panel (Panel control 2) will take in an ISBN number and perhaps perform some processing (like retrieve details of a book from Associate the RequiredFieldValidator control with the ISBN text box (you can configure it in Source View):

       ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" Runat="server" 
       ISBN required</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>
  5. To divide the controls into two separate validation groups, switch to Source View and use the ValidationGroup attribute, as shown in the following code sample (highlighted in bold):

    <asp:TextBox ID="txtSearch" Runat="server" 
       Width="320px" Height="22px">
    <asp:Button ID="btnSearch" Runat="server" 
         Text="Search" ValidationGroup="SearchGroup" />
    <asp:TextBox ID="txtISBN" Runat="server" 
       Width="212px" Height="22px">
    <asp:Button ID="btnGetTitle" Runat="server" 
       Text="Get Title" 
       ValidationGroup="BooksGroup" />
    <asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" 
         Runat="server" ErrorMessage="RequiredFieldValidator" 
         ValidationGroup="BooksGroup">ISBN required
  6. Here, the Search button is assigned the SearchGroup validation group, while the Get Title button and the RequiredFieldValidator are both assigned to the BooksGroup validation group.

  7. Press F5 to test the application. Now you can click the Search and Get Title buttons independently of each other.


Controls that do not set the ValidationGroup attribute belong to the default group, thus maintaining backward compatibility with ASP.NET 1.x.

What about...

...setting the focus on the field on error?

All validation controls in ASP.NET 2.0 now support the SetFocusOnError property. Simply set a validator control’s SetFocusOnError attribute to True so that the browser will set the focus on the control on error.

In the previous example, if the RequiredFieldValidator control has the SetFocusOnError attribute:

   ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" Runat="server" 

Then the ISBN text box will get the focus if you click the Get Title button when the ISBN text box is empty.

Where can I learn more?

If you are interested in simulating the validation group behavior of ASP.NET 2.0 in ASP.NET 1.x, check out

Insert Client Script into a Page

There are times when you need to insert client-side JavaScript into your page to implement client-side functionalities. Take the example of an eBanking web application. If the user has not been active for a certain period of time after logging in, the application will prompt the user with a pop-up window asking if the user would like to continue. Employing a pop-up window is more likely to draw the user’s attention than simply displaying the message on the web page, and this is best implemented with client-side script.


You can now insert client script into your web page as naturally as writing your server-side code.

In ASP.NET 2.0, you can insert client-side script by using the ClientScript property of the Page class.

How do I do that?

To see how you can insert a client script into an ASP.NET 2.0 web application, you will create an application that displays the current time in a JavaScript window when the application is loaded.

  1. In Visual Studio 2005, create a new web site project and name it C:\ASPNET20\chap01-ClientScript.

  2. Double-click the default Web Form to switch to the code-behind.

  3. In the Form_Load event, insert a client script onto the page using the RegisterClientScriptBlock( ) method. The following example inserts a JavaScript code that displays the current time on the server. The time will be displayed in a window, as shown in Figure 1-17.

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles Me.Load
        '---inserting client-side script
        Dim script As String = _
            "alert('Time on the server is " & Now & "');"
        Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock( _
            Me.GetType, "MyKey", script, True)
    End Sub


    The RegisterClientScriptBlock( ) method is also available in ASP.NET 1.x and appears under the Page class. However, its namespace has changed in ASP.NET 2.0 and appears under the ClientScriptManager class. You can get an instance of the ClientScriptManager class via Page.ClientScript.

    Executing a client script
    Figure 1-17. Executing a client script

    The parameters of the RegisterClientScriptBlock( ) method are:


    The type of the calling page


    The key to identify the script


    Content of the script to be sent to the client side


    Indicates whether the script should be enclosed within a <script> block. The script generated on the client-side would look like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    alert('Time on the server is 7/18/2004 12:07:23 PM');// 

    If the AddScript parameter is set to False, the script will not be executed on the client side; instead, it simply will be shown on the web page.


    Note that in ASP.NET 1.1 the key could be an empty string (but not null). In ASP.NET 2.0, an empty string supplied for the key will generate a runtime error.

What about...

...including a script file?

Instead of inserting strings of client-side script into your application, you might have a much more sophisticated client-side application that is saved in a separate file. In this case, it is more effective for you to include the file directly rather than insert the scripts line by line.

Suppose you have a script file saved as hello.js and its content contains JavaScript code (without the <script> tag):

alert("Hello world, from JavaScript");

You can include this script in your page through the RegisterScriptInclude( ) method:

'--including script files
Dim scriptURL As String = "./hello.js"
Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude( _
    Me.GetType, "MyKey", scriptURL)

The generated output looks like this:

<script src="./hello.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Where can I learn more?

MSDN has a comprehensive article on injecting client-side script from an ASP.NET server control:

Post to Another Page


ASP.NET 2.0 now allows you to post values from one page to another easily.

Most ASP.NET developers are familiar with the postback feature of ASP.NET server controls. However, in some cases, posting back to the same page is not the desired action—you might need to post to another. For example, you might need to build an application to perform some surveys. Instead of displaying 50 questions on one page, you would like to break it down to 10 questions per page so that the user need not wade through 50 questions in one go. Moreover, answers to certain questions might trigger a related set of questions in another page. In this case, using a conventional postback mechanism for your web pages is clearly not the solution. You might want to post the values (i.e., the answers to the questions) of one page to another. In this situation, you need to be able to cross-post to another page and, at the same time, be able to retrieve the values from the previous page.

In ASP.NET 1.0 and 1.1, there is no easy way to transfer to another page, and most developers resort to using Server.Transfer. Even so, passing values from one page to another this way is a challenge.

In ASP.NET 2.0, cross-page posting is much easier. Controls now inherently support posting to another page via the PostBackUrl attribute.

How do I do that?

To see cross-page posting in action, you will create an application that contains two pages. One page lets you choose items from a CheckBoxList control and then lets you cross-post to another page. You will learn how the values that were cross-posted can be retrieved in the destination page. In addition, you will see the difference between cross-page posting and the old Server.Transfer( ) method.

  1. In Visual Studio 2005, create a new web site project and name it C:\ASPNET20\chap01-CrossPagePosting.

  2. Populate the default Web Form with the controls shown in Figure 1-18. The CheckBoxList1 control contains CheckBox controls that let users choose from a list of values. When the “Post to Default2.aspx” button is clicked, you will post the values to Default2.aspx using the new cross-page posting feature in ASP.NET 2.0. The “Transfer to Default2.aspx” button uses Server.Transfer to load Default2.aspx.

    Populating the default Web Form
    Figure 1-18. Populating the default Web Form
  3. Add a new Web Form to your project and populate it with a Button control (see Figure 1-19).

    Populating the Default2 Web Form
    Figure 1-19. Populating the Default2 Web Form
  4. In Default.aspx, switch to Source View and add the PostBackUrl attribute to btnPost so that it can perform a cross-page post to Default2.aspx:

    <asp:Button ID="btnPost" 
       Text="Post to Default2.aspx" />
  5. For btnTransfer, add the following code-behind:

    Protected Sub btnTransfer_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                    Handles btnTransfer.Click
    End Sub
  6. In order for Default2.aspx to access the value of the CheckBoxList1 control in Default.aspx, expose a public property in Default.aspx. To do so, switch to the code-behind of Default.aspx and type in the following code shown in bold:

    Partial Class Default_aspx
        Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
        Public ReadOnly Property ServerSide( ) As CheckBoxList
                         Return CheckBoxList1
                         End Get
                         End Property
        Protected Sub btnTransfer_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                        Handles btnTransfer.Click
        End Sub
    End Class


    You need to expose public properties in the first page in order for the other page to access it. This has the advantage of early binding and facilitates strong typing.

  7. In Default2.aspx, you need to specify that Default.aspx is going to post to it by using the PreviousPageType directive. In Default2.aspx, switch to Source View and add the PreviousPageType directive:

    <%@ Page Language="VB" AutoEventWireup="false" 
        CodeFile="Default2.aspx.vb" Inherits="Default2_aspx" %>
    <%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath="~/Default.aspx" %>
  8. When Default.aspx posts to Default2.aspx, all the information about Default.aspx is encapsulated in a special property known as PreviousPage. When Default2.aspx loads, you must first determine whether it was posted by Default.aspx or it gets loaded by itself. So check if PreviousPage contains a reference:

    Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
        If PreviousPage IsNot Nothing Then
  9. Then check if this is a cross-page post or a Server.Transfer by using the new IsCrossPagePostBack property. This property will be true if Default.aspx cross-posts to Default2.aspx, false if Default.aspx performs a Server.Transfer to Default2.aspx:

    If PreviousPage IsNot Nothing Then
        '--checks the type of posting
        If PreviousPage.IsCrossPagePostBack Then
            Response.Write("This is a cross-post")
            Response.Write("This is a Server.Transfer")
        End If


    Check the IsCrossPagePostBack property to see if there is a cross posting.

  10. Finally, display the selections made in the CheckBoxList control in Default.aspx:

    Response.Write("<br/>You have selected :")
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 0 To PreviousPage.ServerSide.Items.Count - 1
        If PreviousPage.ServerSide.Items(i).Selected Then
            Response.Write( _
            PreviousPage.ServerSide.Items(i).ToString & " ")
        End If


    The ServerSide property refers to the property exposed in Default.aspx. The advantage to exposing properties in the page is that the data is strongly typed.

    The entire block of code is as shown:

    Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
                            ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                            Handles Me.Load
        If PreviousPage IsNot Nothing Then
            '--checks the type of posting
            If PreviousPage.IsCrossPagePostBack Then
                Response.Write("This is a cross-post")
                Response.Write("This is a Server.Transfer")
            End If
            Response.Write("<br/>You have selected :")
            Dim i As Integer
            For i = 0 To PreviousPage.ServerSide.Items.Count - 1
                If PreviousPage.ServerSide.Items(i).Selected Then
                    Response.Write( _
                    PreviousPage.ServerSide.Items(i).ToString & " ")
                End If
        End If
    End Sub

    To see the example in action, Figure 1-20 shows a cross-page post.

    Cross-posting from Default.aspx to Default2.aspx
    Figure 1-20. Cross-posting from Default.aspx to Default2.aspx

    Figure 1-21 shows posting to Default2.aspx via the Server.Transfer method. Note the URL of both pages (they are the same for Server.Transfer).

    Using Server.Transfer to post from Default.aspx to Default2.aspx
    Figure 1-21. Using Server.Transfer to post from Default.aspx to Default2.aspx

    If you click the button “Postback to myself” in Default2.aspx, you will notice that the information from Default.aspx is no longer displayed; a postback will clear the object reference in the PreviousPage property.


    The main difference between a cross-page post and the use of Server.Transfer is that, in the case of the Server.Transfer, the URL does not change to the new page.

What about...

...having multiple pages post to the same page?

In this case, you would not be able to use the early binding mechanism accorded by the PreviousPage property, because the PreviousPageType directive predefines the type of a previous page:

<%@ PreviousPageType VirtualPath="~/default.aspx" %>

So if there are different pages posting to a common page, having this directive is not useful, because those pages may have different controls and types. Hence, a better way would be to use late-binding via the FindControl( ) method.

Example 1-1 shows how you can use the AppRelativeVirtualPath property of the PreviousPage property to get the address of the last page posted to it. The application then uses the FindControl( ) method to locate the controls within the source page.


Use the FindControl( ) method to locate values in the previous page if multiple pages post to one page.

Example 1-1. Locating the controls of the last page to post
If PreviousPage.AppRelativeVirtualPath = "~/Default.aspx" Then
    Dim serverSide As CheckBoxList
    serverSide = CType(PreviousPage.FindControl("checkboxlist1"), _
    If serverSide IsNot Nothing Then
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To serverSide.Items.Count - 1
            If serverSide.Items(i).Selected Then
                Response.Write(serverSide.Items(i).ToString & " ")
            End If
    End If
ElseIf PreviousPage.AppRelativeVirtualPath = "~/Default3.aspx" Then
    Dim userName As TextBox
    userName = CType(PreviousPage.FindControl("txtName"), _
    If userName IsNot Nothing Then
    End If
End If


If you attempt to cross-post between two different applications, the PreviousPage property will be set to Nothing (or null in C#).

Where can I learn more?

To learn more about the various ways to redirect users to another page, check out the Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Documentation Help topic “Redirecting Users to Another Page.”

Selectively Display Groups of Controls

One task that is common in web applications is data collection. For example, you may need to create a page for user registration. On that page, you may want to collect a fair bit of information, such as username, birth date, and perhaps answers to survey questions (often used to collect subscriber information for controlled circulation magazines). A good practice is to split your questions across multiple pages so that the user need not scroll down a page that contains all the questions. Alternatively, ASP.NET 1.x developers often like to use the Panel controls to contain all the questions and then selectively display the relevant panels (and hide the other panels).


Use the new MultiView and Wizard controls to selectively hide and display controls.

In ASP.NET 2.0, the MultiView control takes the drudgery out of creating multiple pages for this task. It allows controls to be contained within multiple View controls (a new control in ASP.NET 2.0), which you can then programmatically display.

How do I do that?

To see how the MultiView control works, you will create an application that contains a MultiView control with three View controls embedded in this control. You can then treat each View control like an ordinary Web Form and populate controls in it. You then connect these View controls together so that users can step through them in a specific order.

  1. Launch Visual Studio 2005 and create a new web site project. Name the project C:\ASPNET20\chap01-MultiView.

  2. Double-click the MultiView control (located in the Toolbox under the Standard tab) to add it to the default Web Form.

  3. Double-click the View control (also located in the Toolbox under the Standard tab) and drag and drop it onto the MultiView control. Drag two more View controls onto the MultiView control.

  4. Populate the View controls with the additional controls shown in Figure 1-22.

    Populating the default Web Form with the various controls
    Figure 1-22. Populating the default Web Form with the various controls
  5. Double-click the Web Form to switch to its code-behind page. Add the code shown in Example 1-2 to service the Click events of all Button controls on Default.aspx.

    Example 1-2. Event handler for all Click events on Default.aspx
    Protected Sub btnAllButtons_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                                      ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                                      Handles btnView1Next.Click, _
                                      btnView2Next.Click, btnView2Previous.Click, _
                                      btnView3Finish.Click, btnView3Reset.Click
        Select Case CType(sender, Button).Text
            Case "Next"
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex += 1
            Case "Previous"
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex -= 1
            Case "Finish"
                Response.Write("You have registered as " & _
                                txtFirstName.Text & _
                                txtLastName.Text & "<br/>")
                Response.Write("Birthday " & _
                btnView3Finish.Enabled = False
                btnView3Reset.Enabled = False
            Case "Reset"
                MultiView1.ActiveViewIndex = 0
        End Select
    End Sub
  6. The ActiveViewIndex property of the MultiView control sets the View control to display. Set the ActiveViewIndex property of the MultiView control to 0 so that the first View control will be displayed when the page is loaded.

  7. Press F5 to test the application. Figure 1-23 shows the results of stepping through the application.

Using the MultiView control
Figure 1-23. Using the MultiView control

Notice that for every change of view, a postback to the server occurs.

What about...

...a more efficient method for dividing screens that does not require a postback?

While this lab uses the MultiView control to split a long page into multiple views, the inherent disadvantage with this control is that every change of view requires a postback. Unless you need to access data on the server side, it is much more efficient to use the Wizard control, which performs similar tasks without a postback.

The Wizard control can be found in the Toolbox under the Standard tab. To try out the functionality of the Wizard control:

  1. Launch Visual Studio 2005 and create a new web site project. Name the project C:\ASPNET20\chap01-Wizard.

  2. Add the Wizard control to the default Web Form.

  3. In the Wizard Tasks menu, click the Add/Remove WizardSteps... link (see Figure 1-24) to add one additional step to the control (by default, there are two steps created for you).

    Using the Wizard control
    Figure 1-24. Using the Wizard control
  4. In the WizardStep Collection Editor window, click the Add button and then type “Step 3” in the Title text box (see Figure 1-25). Click OK.

    Adding a new Wizard step
    Figure 1-25. Adding a new Wizard step
  5. Populate the Step 1 of the Wizard control with two TextBox controls, as shown in Figure 1-26. To go to the next step, select Step 2 in the Wizard Tasks menu.

    Populating Step 1
    Figure 1-26. Populating Step 1


    The Wizard control is highly customizable. Make sure you check out the properties window for all its capabilities.

  6. Populate Step 2 with the Calendar control (use the default name of Calendar1), as shown in Figure 1-27.

    Populating Step 2
    Figure 1-27. Populating Step 2
  7. In Step 3, type the string as shown in Figure 1-28.

    Populating Step 3
    Figure 1-28. Populating Step 3
  8. Double-click the Wizard control so that you can service the FinishButtonClick event when the user clicks on the Finish button in the final step (Step 3):

    Protected Sub Wizard1_FinishButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.WizardNavigationEventArgs) _
        Handles Wizard1.FinishButtonClick
        Response.Write("You have registered as " & _
                txtFirstName.Text & _
                txtLastName.Text & "<br/>")
        Response.Write("Birthday " & _
        Wizard1.Visible = False
    End Sub
  9. To test the application, press F5. Figure 1-29 shows the Wizard control in action.

The Wizard control in action
Figure 1-29. The Wizard control in action


In this example, the Wizard control does not perform a postback to the server when the user clicks on the Next or Previous button. However, if the user clicks on the Calendar control in Step 2, a postback does occur.

Where can I learn more?

Check out the Visual Studio 2005 Help entries for the MultiView and Wizard controls to learn more about their full capabilities. In particular, the Wizard control contains many properties for you to customize.

Upload Files to Your Web Site

ASP.NET 2.0 now includes the FileUpload control, allowing web site users to upload files onto the web server for archival or file-submission purposes. For example, students typically need to upload their files to their school’s server when they submit their assignment or project work. You’ll find the FileUpload control in the Toolbox under the Standard tab.


Uploading files to your web site is made easy with the new FileUpload control.

How do I do that?

The Visual Studio designer represents the FileUpload control by adding an empty text box and a Button control to a Web page. To upload the selected file, you need to explicitly trigger an event, such as clicking a button (see the Submit button in Figure 1-30). In the following example, you will build an application that allows users to upload files to a particular directory on the server. You will also check the size of the file uploaded to ensure that users do not upload files that exceed an imposed limit.

  1. Launch Visual Studio 2005 and create a new web site project. Name the project C:\ASPNET20\chap01-FileUpload.

  2. In the Toolbox, double-click the FileUpload control located under the Standard tab to add the control to the default Web Form, Default.aspx.

  3. Add a Button control to the default form, change its Text to “Submit”, and name the button “btnSubmit”.

  4. Your form should now look like the one shown in Figure 1-30.

    The FileUpload control on a Web Form
    Figure 1-30. The FileUpload control on a Web Form


    Remember to add a Submit button so that you can invoke the FileUpload control.

  5. Right-click the project name in Solution Explorer and then select Add Folder Regular Folder (see Figure 1-31). Name the new folder “uploads”. This folder will be used to store the files uploaded by the user.

    Adding a new folder to the project
    Figure 1-31. Adding a new folder to the project
  6. Double-click the Submit button to reveal the code-behind. Enter the following code for the Submit button:

    Sub btnSubmit_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                        Handles btnSubmit.Click
        ' get the application path
        Dim savePath As String = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath
        ' uploads to a special upload folder
        savePath += "uploads\"
        If FileUpload1.HasFile Then ' verify if there is file to upload
            savePath += FileUpload1.FileName
            ' existing file will be overwritten
            Response.Write("File uploaded successfully!")
            Response.Write("No file to upload")
        End If
    End Sub


You use the FileUpload1.SaveAs( ) method to save the file onto the specified directory. If there is a file of the same name, this method will simply overwrite it with the new file. Hence it is important that you do some error checking before writing the file to the server.

You find out the path that the current application resides in by using the PhysicalApplicationPath property from the Request object. The HasFile property of the FileUpload control specifies if the user has selected a file to upload. The file selected is saved in the FileName property of the FileUpload control.

What about...

...limiting the size of uploaded files?

For security reasons, it is important to restrict the size of files that users may upload to your web site. (Allowing users to upload a file that is too large could potentially expose an app to a denial-of-service attack.) You can check the size of the file uploaded by using the ContentLength property, as the following example shows:


Be sure to check the size of the file that your user is trying to upload. Failing to do so may allow users to upload large files thereby slowing (or crashing) your web server.

' ensure size if below 3MB
If FileUpload1.PostedFile.ContentLength <= 3145728 Then
   savePath += FileUpload1.FileName
   ' existing file will be overwritten
   Response.Write("File uploaded successfully!")
   Response.Write("File size exceeds 3MB.")
End If

Where can I learn more?

If you want to learn more about how file uploading is done in ASP.NET 1.x, check out this article:

Create an Image Map

Modern web sites use image maps to allow users to navigate to another part of the site, or to initiate an action by clicking on one or more hotspots of an image. For example, you want to display a world map on a page so that users can click on specific parts of the map to see information about a particular country. ASP.NET 2.0 includes a new ImageMap control that allows you to create image maps easily and painlessly.

The ImageMap control can be found in the Visual Studio Toolbox under the Standard tab.


Use the new ImageMap control to display an image map on your web page.

How do I do that?

To see how the ImageMap control works, you will use an ImageMap control to display the image of a Pocket PC. You will define three different hotspots of different shapes on the Pocket PC so that users are able to click on the different parts of the image to see more information.

  1. In Visual Studio 2005, create a new web site project and name it C:\ASPNET20\chap01-ImageMap.

  2. Double-click the ImageMap control in the Toolbox to add a control to the default Web Form.

  3. In Solution Explorer, right-click the project name and add a new folder named Images, where you’ll store the image used in this project. Save an image named dellaxim.jpg (see Figure 1-32) into the new folder: C:\ASPNET20\chap01-ImageMap\Images\.

    Displaying a Pocket PC using the ImageMap control
    Figure 1-32. Displaying a Pocket PC using the ImageMap control
  4. To display the image in the ImageMap control, set its ImageURL property to point to the file you just saved (Images/dellaxim.jpg ). The ImageMap control will now display the image of a Pocket PC, as shown in Figure 1-32.

    An image map works by providing one or more hotspots for users to click on, each initiating a particular action—for example, jumping to another page or altering the image itself. To define one or more hotspots, go to the Properties window for the ImageMap control, scroll down to the Hotspots property, and click on the Collections button (...) to invoke the HotSpot Collection Editor (shown in Figure 1-33).

    The ImageMap control supports three kinds of hotspot: circles (CircleHotSpot), rectangles (RectangleHotSpot), and polygons (PolygonHotSpot). The drop-down menu to the right of the dialog’s Add button dialog lets you choose the type of hotspot to add. Once you add a hotspot, a Properties window appears that allows you to specify the location and dimensions of the hotspot, as well as its key properties. Figure 1-33 displays the properties of a CircleHotSpot that has a radius of 5 and x and y coordinates of 103 and 26, respectively.

    Adding hotspots to the ImageMap control
    Figure 1-33. Adding hotspots to the ImageMap control

    You can also specify your hotspots by hand. You can switch to Source View and add in the hotspots elements manually, like this:

    <asp:ImageMap ID="ImageMap1" runat="server" 
       <asp:CircleHotSpot HotSpotMode="PostBack" 
          X="103" Y="26" PostBackValue="PowerSwitch" 
          Radius="5" />
       <asp:RectangleHotSpot Top="48" Bottom="242" 
          Left="30" NavigateUrl="./screen.aspx"
          Right="177" />
          PostBackValue="Navigation" HotSpotMode="PostBack" />


    You can use Microsoft Paint to display the image and then position your cursor at the various hotspots you want to define. You can find the coordinates of the cursor at the bottom of the window.

    If you add the code shown in Step 6 or use the same attribute values to create hotspots with the HotSpot Collection Editor, you will end up with the hotspots shown in Figure 1-34.

    Defining the hotspots in the ImageMap control
    Figure 1-34. Defining the hotspots in the ImageMap control


    The ImageMap control supports three types of hotspot: circles, rectangles, and polygons.

    Figure 1-34 shows an ImageMap with the three hotspots: a CircleHotSpot, a RectangleHotSpot, and a PolygonHotSpot. The CircleHotSpot defines the region containing the power switch of the Pocket PC as a circle hotspot, whereas the RectangleHotSpot defines the screen region as a rectangle hotspot. The PolygonHotSpot defines the navigational buttons on the Pocket PC as a polygon hotspot.

    A HotSpot control supports one of four modes of behavior, defined by its HotSpotMode property:

    Not Set

    If a hotspot’s HotSpotMode is set to "Not Set“, its behavior will assume that of the HotSpotMode as defined in the ImageMap control.


    Another page can be loaded when a hotspot is clicked.


    A postback is sent to the server. This is useful in cases where you need to perform some action (such as increment a variable) when the user clicks on a hotspot.


    Disables the hotspot.


    The HotSpotMode property of the ImageMap control defines the default behavior of all the hotspots in that control’s HotSpot collection. A particular hotspot can override this behavior by setting its own HotSpotMode property.

    To illustrate how a hotspot can be used to postback to a server, set the HotSpotMode property of the CircleHotSpot to PostBack and the PostBackValue property value to PowerSwitch. To receive the postback value on the server side, add an event handler to service the click event of the ImageMap control:

    Protected Sub ImageMap1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, _
                  ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageMapEventArgs) _
                  Handles ImageMap1.Click
        Dim str As String = "You have clicked " & e.PostBackValue
    End Sub
  5. Add a new Web Form to your project (right-click the project name in Solution Explorer, select Add New Item..., and then select Web Form) and name it screen.aspx. This page will be displayed when the user clicks on the RectangleHotSpot.

  6. Use the RectangleHotSpot to navigate to another page by setting its HotSpotMode property to Navigate and setting the NavigateURL property value to screen.aspx.

  7. Press F5 to test the application. Note how your mouse pointer changes when it hovers over the various hotspots.

What about...

...adding Tool Tip text to the hotspots?

You can add Tool Tip text to the various controls in the ImageControl control using the AlternateText property. Adding Tool Tip text to hotspots greatly improves the usability of your application, as users can view more information about a hotspot. You can add Tool Tip text in Source View:

   X="103" Y="26" Radius="5" 
   AlternateText="Power Switch" />

You can also add it programmatically:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, _
                        ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
                        Handles Me.Load
    ImageMap1.HotSpots(0).AlternateText = "Power Switch"
    ImageMap1.HotSpots(1).AlternateText = "Screen"
    ImageMap1.HotSpots(2).AlternateText = "Navigation"
End Sub

The next time the user’s mouse hovers over the hotspots, he will see the Tool Tip text as shown in Figure 1-35.

Displaying the Tool Tip text
Figure 1-35. Displaying the Tool Tip text

Where can I learn more?

Besides using the ImageMap control to implement an image map, you can use the ImageButton as an image map. To see how, check out this link:

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