Additional Resources

The best way to stay sharp and attuned to what’s happening in the App Store ecosystem is to continue to foster relationships with fellow developers, read blogs, and stay active on Twitter. Here is a list of some other places where you can continue to learn and look for help:

Apple Developer Forums (

The Apple Developer Forums are accessible through the iOS Dev Center, once you’ve enrolled in the iOS Developer Program.

iOS Reference Library (

This is Apple’s documentation on the iOS, including the Human Interface Guidelines mentioned in Chapter 5.

Answer sites (;

Stack Overflow and O’Reilly Answers are great places to find answers to commonly asked questions. Although Stack Overflow is programming-oriented, it can save you from having to email your developer.

OnStartups (

Consider Answers OnStartups to be the product-focused version of Stack Overflow. It’s not tuned into apps specifically, but you can get answers related to building startups (i.e., your app) and small businesses.

Of course, don’t forget to check out, where I’ll continue to list new or updated resources and, more generally, help keep you app savvy!

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