


Executes BEA WebLogic Server’s ejbc tool, generating code necessary to deploy EJB components in that environment. This task is designed for WebLogic 4.5.1.


classpath (all, String, N)

The classpath to use. This must include all necessary supporting classes, such as the remote and home interfaces for the bean(s).

defaultexcludes (all, boolean, N)

Determines whether to use default excludes. Defaults to true.

descriptors (all, String, Y)

A base directory containing serialized deployment descriptors.

dest (all, String, Y)

A destination directory for generated classes, stubs, and skeletons.

excludes (all, String, N)

A comma-separated list of file patterns to exclude.

excludesfile (all, File, N)

The name of a file containing one exclude pattern per line.

includes (all, String, N)

A comma-separated list of file patterns to include.

includesfile (all, File, N)

The name of a file containing one include pattern per line.

keepgenerated (1.3, 1.4, String, N)

If true, keep the generated Java source code. Defaults to false. Note that this is a String attribute, not a Boolean; legal values are true and false.

manifest (all, String, Y)

The name of the manifest file to create.

src (all, String, Y)

The base of the source tree, containing home interfaces, remote interfaces, and bean implementation classes.


0..n nested patternset elements: <exclude>, <include>, <patternset> (all); <excludesfile>, <includesfile> (1.4)

Used in place of their corresponding attributes, these specify ...

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