


Updates the timestamp of one or more files.


datetime (all, String, N)

The new modification time for the file(s), in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM AM or PM. Defaults to the current time.

file (all, File, *)

Name of a file to touch. The file is created if it does not exist. To touch directories, use nested <fileset> elements.

millis (all, long, N)

The new modification time for the file, expressed as the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.

The file attribute is required unless a nested <fileset> is specified.


0..n nested <fileset> elements (1.4)

Specifies files and directories to touch.

Example Usage

Update the timestamp of build.xml with the current time:

<touch file="build.xml"/>

Change the timestamp of all files and directories in the build directory:

<touch datetime="06/25/1999 6:15 AM">
  <fileset dir="${builddir}"/>

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