


Executes CVS commands. CVS is an open source version control system, available at

For information about CVS, see the CVS Pocket Reference by Gregor N. Purdy (O’Reilly).


command (all, String, N)

The name of the CVS command. Defaults to checkout.

cvsroot (all, String, N)

Specifies where the repository is located. Equivalent to the CVSROOT environment variable.

date (all, String, N)

Specifies that this command applies to files up to and including the specified date. Equivalent to the -D CVS option.

dest (all, File, N)

Specifies where to put checked-out files. Defaults to the project base directory.

error (all, File, N)

A file for logging standard error output from the CVS command. Defaults to the Ant log using the MSG_WARN log level.

noexec (all, boolean, N)

When true, do not do anything that modifies the filesystem. Equivalent to the -n CVS option. Defaults to false.

output (all, File, N)

A file for logging standard output from the CVS command. Defaults to the Ant log using the MSG_INFO log level.

package (all, String, N)

Specifies the CVS module to retrieve.

passfile (1.4, File, N)

The name of a CVS password file. Defaults to ~/.cvspass.

port (1.4, int, N)

The port number CVS uses to communicate with a server. Defaults to 2401.

quiet (all, boolean, N)

When true, CVS output is less verbose. This is equivalent to the -q CVS option. Defaults to false.

tag (all, String, N)

Specifies a CVS tag name. Equivalent to the -tag CVS option.



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