


Builds a Linux RPM file. Works only on Linux platforms.


cleanbuilddir (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, remove generated files in the BUILD directory. Defaults to false.

command (1.4, String, N)

An argument passed to the rpm executable. Defaults to -bb.

error (1.4, File, N)

The destination file for standard error.

output (1.4, File, N)

The destination file for standard output.

removesource (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, remove the source files from the SOURCES directory. Defaults to false.

removespec (1.4, boolean, N)

If true, remove the spec file from the SPECS directory. Defaults to false.

specfile (1.4, String, Y)

The name of the spec file to use.

topdir (1.4, File, N)

The destination directory. It contains SPECS, SOURCES, BUILD, and SRPMS subdirectories.



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