Welcome to Adobe Illustrator CS5 One-on-One, another in a series
of highly visual, full-color titles that combine step-by-step lessons
with more than six hours of video instruction. As the name One-on-
One implies, I walk you through Illustrator just as if I were teaching
you in a classroom or corporate consulting environment. Except
that instead of getting lost in a crowd of students, you receive my
individualized attention. It’s just you and me.
I created One-on-One with three audiences in mind. If youre an
independent graphic artist, designer, or Web content creator
professional or amateuryoull appreciate the real-world authen-
ticity of the tutorials and your immediate ability to apply what you
learn in your own work. If youre a student working in a classroom
or vocational setting, youll enjoy the personalized attention, struc-
tured exercises, and end-of-lesson quizzes. If youre an instructor in
a college or vocational setting, youll nd the topic-driven lessons
helpful in building curricula and creating homework assignments.
Adobe Illustrator CS5 One-on-One is designed to supply beginners
with all the guidance they need to get started in Illustrator, while
giving more advanced users the depth of knowledge that will for-
tify their expertise. And I’ve seen to it that each lesson contains a
few techniques that even experienced Illustrator users dont know.
Read, Watch, Do
Adobe Illustrator CS5 One-on-One is your chance to master Adobe
Illustrator under the direction of a professional trainer with more
than 20 years of computer design and graphics experience. Read
the book, watch the videos, do the exercises. Proceed at your own
pace and experiment as you see fit. It’s the best way to learn.
Adobe Illustrator CS5 One-on-One contains twelve
lessons, each made up of three to six step-by-step
exercises. Every lesson in the book includes a corre-
sponding video lesson (see Figure 1), in which I intro-
duce the key concepts you’ll need to know to complete
the exercises and see features that are best explained
in action. Best of all, every exercise is project-based,
culminating in an actual nished document worthy
of your labors (like the examples in Figure 2). The
exercises include insights and context throughout,
so youll know not only what to do but—just as im-
portant—why youre doing it. My sincere hope is that
you’ll nd the experience entertaining, informative,
and empowering.
All the videos and sample les required to perform
the exercises are available for download at oreilly.
com/go/deke-IllustratorCS5. If you already have an
oreilly.com account and are logged in, you can click
straight through to a site where you can play the vid-
eos, download them to your computer if you like, and
get the sample files. (If you don’t have an oreilly.com
login, youll be invited to create one, and then be sent
properly on your way.) Together, the book, sample
les, and videos form a single, comprehensive train-
ing experience.
Figure 1.
Figure 2.

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